Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ksatria | Jam 9:24 PM

That day, January 13th, 2001. Hans who was wearing a white shirt with a nice blue jeans on his leg and Betty with her casual dress which make her so gorgeous went to the China Town near their home, watching a carnival. They've planned to have fun that whole day, so they'd visit a couple of interesting places in their neighborhood.
Satisfied seeing the carnival, they moved on to the other places which had been planned before. On each place, they set up kinds of happiness as if there's no any problems waiting for both of them. They just let the day flew with the atmosphere (happiness). The girl said if she didn't want let that day just went by the board. She'd make a lot of memories in order to could be memorized in their whole live as good even best events they've ever had.

 During that day, they didn't do anything but fun and when the sun's moving down to hide, Hans decided to end their fun time and walked her home. Betty had her face dejected to end up it, she still wanted to do some stuff else but Hans prohibited her. He didn't wanna make her sick for having too much fun and forgot to take enough time to have a rest. He promised if they'd continue their journey when 'n where ever she wanted, and he would give her some surprises at the first thing in the next morning, fortunately she did agree with Hans', and then he walked her home.

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