Monday, July 5, 2010

Ksatria | Jam 5:03 PM

A group of Geography class students are learning 'bout "Seven Wonders of The World". They're asked to make a list which contains of the seven wonders of the world according to them. Although there is some discrepancy, most list consists of :

1. Pyramid
2. Taj Mahal
3. Great Wall of China
4. Angkor Temples
5. Parthenon Temple
6. Pisa Tower
7. Eiffel

Gathering the lists, the teacher pay attention to a student, a girl who hasn't given her work sheet.

   "Did you get a problem to make the list?". The teacher asks her
   "Yeah, I can choose for it too much", she speaks
   "Well, tell what you have, so we can help you to choose it"

She hesitates, and then reads,

   "I think seven wonders of the world are :
1. Can see,
2. Hear,
3. Touch,
4. Feel for,

She thinking for a while, and then continue

5. Can feel,
6. Laugh,
7. and Love someone else".

The classroom was quite at once. What an easy for us to look at the human exploitations and called them as "Wonder". Whereas, all of the gifts that have given to us by God, we called it as "Simple".
Think 'bout it !!!

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