Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ksatria | Jam 8:07 PM

One day, I asked my friends this question,
"Which do you scare much bit by an elephant or by a mosquito?"
I got various answers and reasons from them. they who scared be bitten by an elephant said, they couldn't give a meaningful revenge to elephants for their big body, and if  they're bitten by mosquito they could kill them easily.,  and  the others though that bitten by a mosquito was a such disgusting moment. 
Actually it's just an analogy, let me explain it to you, I've never heard people died because an elephant's bit, but I often heard people died just because one bit from a mosquito. We knew that elephants created in a big body with big power, -we consider it as a big problem-. 

We though bout it too much, but in fact that hasn't happened yet or never happened in our life. So it could stub out our creativity, we afraid to made some changes in our life for always overshadowed with the worst result from it which indefinitely will happen if we took that way or did something new in our life. It's different with mosquitoes, we knew they have a small body, indeed we couldn't see them well without we  accommodate our eyes maximally on it. Even so, they have a gift can kill people with one bit (Female Anopheles) dengue fever's spreader. -we consider it as our action or a new thing in our life-. We though that a small thing just would give us a small result too,

We're wrong ...

Not always be like that, a big thing which considered can give us a big result too, sometimes didn't give something meaningful to us but nothing. Likewise with the other one, sometimes a small thing can bring a big change into our life.
So ...
Don't be afraid to try something new in our life, even though it's a meaningless small thing. Maybe we can bring a big change into our life with it. And also always positive thinking with what we'll do, don't think bout the worst result from it, but think to find a way which can guide us through it without any problems.

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